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Protection Against SMS Fraud

July 15, 2021
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It’s no secret that smishing attacks are up. The FBI reported that $54 million was stolen through smishing and phishing scams in 2020. There were over 240,000 victims who reported complaints in 2020, up from just 114,000 in 2019 and 26,000 in 2018.

The numbers can be staggering at times. One in four smartphone users reported receiving SMS messages aimed at stealing their personal data, and 71% of mobile users are concerned about smishing scams.

Enterprises and financial organizations who have believed that SMS was a secure channel are looking for a secure messaging solution. Fortunately, we’ve developed a secure platform that will enable those businesses to continue communicating with their customers through secure SMS.

Securing SMS

Working with Protex, MessageWhiz can offer its customers a patented solution that eliminates cyber threats over SMS. Using a distributed ledger, or blockchain, we begin by certifying the sender.

Messaging traffic is fenced off, onto a parallel secure network that consists of networks where providers adhere to strict standards.

Each message is encrypted, preventing anyone along the network from intercepting, reading, or changing the message.

As a result, businesses can confidently send 2FA messages, implement 2-way SMS conversations, and share messages with their customers.

For more information about our secure sms software visit: secure sms for telecommunications providers and secure sms for enterprises.

A True Game Changer

SMS is one of the most ubiquitous communication channels on earth. Every mobile phone has one, which is why it has become a target for criminals. We’ve seen businesses back away from the channel, as they look for secure paths to their customers.

Fortunately, MessageWhiz’s Secure SMS offering means businesses can go back to using the communication channel that customers carry around with them 24/7.

Learn more about MessageWhiz’s Secure SMS for Enterprise, and start texting your customers again.

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