2 min read

Developing eCommerce Solutions During COVID-19

May 5, 2020
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For many brick & mortar small businesses, developing an online presence was never a high priority. Many built websites, but they didn’t focus on the user experience, the interface, or even ensuring that their product lines were up to date. Others used their site to promote their business, but never added ecommerce modules to allow them to sell through their sites.

As a result, these small businesses, including bakeries, hobby shops, and burger joints, have developed loyal customers who aren’t aware of the store’s online existence. Forced to close their doors to walk-in traffic, many of these businesses are fast-tracking their web design, in the hopes of delivering products to their customer base.

Here are a few ways these businesses can use messaging to drive traffic to their online shops.

Special Promotions

Even businesses with tight margins can find ways to create promotions that their customers will love. Bundling products, through buy-one-get-one offers, or offering perks like free delivery can help move items off the shelves and into customer’s homes.


Create giveaways to customers who register on your site, or raffle off vouchers for merchandise.  These types of perks will help drive online traffic, and help you maintain sales even while your store is closed to consumers.

User Generated Content

Challenge your customers to share pictures of them using your products with a hashtag on their favorite social media channel. Offer giveaways for your favorite ones, while sharing links to winning pictures through your messaging application.

Building Online Traffic

These techniques will help you grow your ecommerce customer base. As the pandemic continues, this channel could be the difference between developing a steady income stream and going out of business.

At MessageWhiz, we’re looking for new ways to help your business engage with customers. That’s why we’re offering 30% off your messaging through June 30, 2020.

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