Mobile Messaging Blog

Emergency messaging being used by police and law enforcement

Emergency Messaging: Police Communication in Crisis Situations

In the unfortunate event of a shooting at a public place or other life-threatening situations, law enforcement needs to be able to communicate quickly and effectively to respond to the situation.
3 min read

SMS for Students: Harnessing the Power of SMS in Higher Education

In today's digital age, effective communication plays a crucial role in the success of any educational institution.
2 min read

Changes to Whatsapp Business Messaging Pricing: What You Need to Know in 2023

In the fast-paced world of digital communication, staying updated with the latest policies and pricing changes is crucial for businesses.
MEF awards image- MWC GSMA
2 min read

Insights from Mobile World Congress 2023: Mobile Trends to Watch Out For

See what the industry is talking about
March 17, 2023
sms messaging blog article
3 min read

Grow Sales this Mother’s Day with Messaging

Retail text messaging for Mother’s Day
March 6, 2023
2 min read

SMS Callbacks Shortlisted for MEFFY Award

Voting Ends February 26
February 21, 2023
SMS conference GSMA MWC Barcelona
5 min read

Messaging and MWC

Ira Cohen on the messaging industry
February 10, 2023
valentines day sms service
3 min read

Valentine’s Day Restaurant Reservations Using Text Messages

Keep your restaurant full on Valentine’s Day
January 23, 2023
school sms service
5 min read

4 Ways Mobile SMS Services are Used by Schools

Enhance communication across the school
January 10, 2023

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merry christmas sms service
4 min read

New Year, New Opportunity: Using HIPAA Compliant SMS

Reach Your Patients Over SMS
December 21, 2022
4 min read

5 Tips to Increase Holiday Sales with SMS

Use messaging to deliver a great experience
December 2, 2022
4 min read

Travel Agents – Deliver Next Level Service this Holiday Season

Smooth travels with SMS
November 24, 2022
4 min read

Getting Content Right on Messaging

Pick the message channel that meets your needs
November 16, 2022